Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dresses for Spring, 1921

Dresses for Spring, 1921
Originally uploaded by blueprairie

For those into fashion - you will love this information. It's what goes on under the clothes that make the silhouette. Don't neglect clicking on the link.

Another item of interest this morning is I know this is knitting but for those who knit also you will enjoy this finding.


Bumpkin Hill said...

I just found your blog from Victorian Parlour, I love the wee mouse in your picture. It's nice to meet you. Catherine x

cristinoel said...

Thanks for visiting! Glad to have visitors. Loved the photos on you site.
P.S. the bear and bunny are cute also.

The Victorian Parlor said...

I love the old fashions! I wish we still had the same classic style in today's fashions:).



cristinoel said...

So do I! Check out here : and click on the download button to get the full size. Then check out here :

have fun!!!!

Acornmoon said...

Hi, I haven't visited for a while so I have lots of catching up to do.

I love clothes from the twenties, it would be so nice to have this pattern!

cristinoel said...

I did find a link to eBay that has a pattern from a french magazine of that time period. You will enjoy the information and pictures if nothing else, but it is so far the only pattern that i have found.

cristinoel said...

cristinoel said...

I found another link for patterns -

sez said...

i do love those vintage patterns! it makes me feel like I'd be very distinguished & elegant wearing such creations ;D