Friday, August 20, 2010

Pineapple Doily No. 7714


no7714Sorry for the cigarettes. They are in the original booklet; I guess it was chic or something. This is a Classic oval Pineapple doily measuring 10 x 14 inches. This is a very easy pineapple pattern to do and from what you learn here you can apply to similar other round doilies to make them oval.



Small Ball: J & P Coats—4 balls of White or Ecru
Big Ball: J & P Coats—2 balls of White, Ecru or Cream
Steel Crochet Hook No. 9

Starting at center, ch 8. Join with sl st to form ring. 1st rnd: Ch 3, 23 dc in ring. sl st in 3rd st of ch-3. 2nd rnd: Ch3, dc in same place as sl st, * ch 2, skip 1 dc, 2 dc in next dc. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, sl st in 3rd st of ch-3. 3rd rnd: Sl st in next dc and in sp, ch 3, in same sp make dc, ch 2, 2 dc(starting shell made); in each sp around make 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc (shell made)—12 shells in rnd. 4th rnd:  Sl st in next dc and in sp, ch 3, and complete a shell as before (shell over shell make), * ch 2, shell in ps of next shell (another shell  over shell made). Repeat from * around. Join last ch-2 with sl st  to top st of staring chain. 5th rnd: * Shell over shell, ch 4, in sp over next shell make 2 dc, ch 5 and 2 dc; ch 4. Repeat from * around. Join.

6th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 3, 13 tr in ch-5 sp, (this is the base of pineapple), ch 3. Repeat from * around. Join. 7th rnd: * Shell over shell, ch 3, tr in each of next 13 tr, making ch 1 between between trs, ch 3. Repeat from * around. Join. 8th rnd:  * Shell over shell, (ch 3, sc in next ch 1 sp) 12 times; ch-3. Repeat from * once more. In sp of next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) twice and 2 dc; ** (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 12 times; ch 3, shell over shell. Repeat from ** 2 more times; ch 2, 2 dc in same sp as last shell was made, (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 12 times; ch 3.  Join.

9th rnd: * Shell over shell, ch 3, skip the next ch 3 below, sc in next loop, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 10 times; ch 3. Repeat from * once more; shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 3, skip next ch 3, sc in next loop and work over corresponding parts as before. Join. 10th rnd:  * Shell over shell, ch 3, skip next ch-3, sc in next loop, make nine ch-3 loops across pineapple, ch 3. Repeat from *  once more. Shell over shell, ch 2, shell in ch-2 sp between shells, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 3, skip next ch 3, sc in next loop and work over corresponding parts as before. 11th rnd: * Shell over shell, ch 3, skip next ch 3, sc in next loop, make eight ch-3 loops across pineapple, ch3. Repeat from * once more. Shell over shell, (ch 3, shell over shell) twice; ch 3, skip next ch3, sc in next loop and work over corresponding parts as before. 12th rnd: Shell over shell, ch 3, skip next ch 3, sc in next loop, make seven ch-3 loops across pineapple, ch 3, in sp of next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) twice and 2 dc; ch 3, make 7 loops across next pineapple, ch 3, shell over shell, ch 4, in sp of next shell make 2 dc, ch 5 and 2 dc; ch 4, shell over shell, ch 3, skip next ch 3, sc in next loops and work over corresponding parts as before, ending with 2 dc where first shell was made, ch 2, sl st i top st of starting chain.

Now work Pineapples individually as follows: 1st row: Sl st in next dc and in sp, ch 3, and complete shell in same spa sl st sl st, ch 3, skip next ch 3, make 6 loops across pineapple, ch 3, shell in next ch-2 sp. Ch 4, turn. 2nd row: Shell over shell, ch 3, shell over shell. Ch 4 turn. Repeat the 2nd row, making 1 loop less on each row until 1 loop remains. Ch 4, turn. Next row: Shell over shell, ch 4, sc in loop, ch 4, 2 dc in next shell, ch 1, sl st in sp of last complete shell, ch 1, 2 dc in same place as last 2 dc were made, ch 4, turn, sc in joining of shells. Break off.
Attach thread to next ch-2 sp on 12th rnd following pineapple just completed and work as follows: 1st row: Shell in same sp as thread was attached, ch 3, skip the next ch 3, make 6 loops across pineapple, ch 3, shell over shell, ch 3, 13 tr in next ch-5 sp, ch 3, shell over shell, ch 3, shell in next ch-2 sp. Ch 4, turn. 2nd row: Shell over shell, ch 3, make 5 loops across pineapple, ch 3, shell over shell, ch 3, make 5 loops across pineapple, ch 3, shell over shell. Ch 4, turn. 3rd row: Shell over shell, ch 3, make 4 loops across pineapple, ch 3, shell over shell, (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 12 times; ch 3, shell over shell, ch 3,, make 4 loops across pineapple, ch 3, shell over shell. Ch 4, turn. 4th row: Shell over shell, ch 3, make 3 loops across pineapple, ch 3, in sp of next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) twice and 2 dc; ch 3, skip next ch 3, sc in loop, make 10 loops across pineapple, ch 3, in sp of next shell make (2 dc, ch 2) twice and 2 dc; ch 3, make 3 loops across pineapple, ch 3, shell over shell. Ch 4, turn. 5th row: Shell over shell, ch 3, make 2 loops across pineapple, ch 3, shell over next ch-2 sp. Ch 4, turn and complete this pineapple as before. Complete corresponding incomplete pineapple and the pineapple between these two in same way.

Complete other half of doily

EDGING . . .Work 2 rnds all around outer edges as follows: 1st rnd: Attach thread to a ch-4 loop at tip of any pineapple, ch 3, and in same loop complete a shell, * ch 3, shell in next ch-4 loop. Repeat from * around, ending with dc in top st of starting chain. 2nd rnd: Sl st under the dc just made, sc in same sp, * ch 3, in sp of next shell make dc, picot and dc—to make a picot; ch 3, and sc in 3rd ch from hook. ch 3, sc in next sp between shells. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 3, sl st in first sc made. Break off. Starch lightly and press.


  1. I love crocheted doilies! Thanks for visiting my new blog-it was great to hear from you:)!



  2. I just had to come visit your blog again! I just love what you are doing! I plan to spend a little time just lurking around if you don't mind.

  3. My Grandmother crocheted, alot. I have several of this pattern, I'm glad to know the name of it now. Thanks!

    Thanks for the visit too!

  4. This is a treasure of a doily :) Thank you for all these lovely patterns you keep posting for us to enjoy :)


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