Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Something Cheery around here!

The new background may not be staying around for very long but it is more cheery than the somber autumn brown and so i thought I would 'try it out' for a while. When I figure out how to upload a background .gif or .png I will have it made. I really like this template.


  1. Tina? I found you after you left a comment on my blog about Holbeins Opera paint (watercolor) Your right it is very bright, harsh and almost floruscent,,, when I said I used very little pigment, I mean VERY little,
    All I can say is keep practicing I think its wonderful that your trying other things. I do all of those too but watercolor is my passion, I just love the look of it. I have watercolor pencils (Derwent) and never use them as I didn't like the look they poduce. I may try the Prismacolor,Thanks for the tip. If I can help you in any way, I would be happy to.

  2. Hi, Barbara....thanks for replying. I wondered if you had ixed it with a little burnt umber? I love the look of water colors also. Anyway the water color pencils i have are the Albrecht Durer (except for the prismacolor graphite pencils) and put the pencil on some other paper and pick it up with my brush to paint with it. I seem to think better that way. I cannot draw very well at all. What little progress i have made is due to the Lord. I am thankful for what i can do and keep trying. and when i do something nice it is hard not to shout to the world, "Hey, look what i did!!!! finally after all these years." (i am 62)

  3. I didn't mix with umber, I think if anything it might have been the compliment of red, (green) so I might have put a touch of sap green if anything. If you want to darken a color instead of using a brown or black (which is not in my palette) use its complimentarty. Violet/yellow,, red/green, blue/orange. but just a teensy touch .. Thanks for your wonderful comment on Mary Louise. and listen , your still young , I've got 10 years on you. don't let my picture fool you. and thanks for letting me know what you use, I always share things like that. its just the right thing to do.


Thanks! :) I love to receive comments!